SHODO The way of calligraphy eBook
SHODO The way of calligraphy eBook
Norio Nagayama
Epub 3 isbn 9788897982821, Digital Index Publisher, Modena, Italy 2014
Available on Apple MacBook, iPad, iPhone, and all other Android smartphones and devices in epub3:

and also as Multitouch iBook for Apple MacBook, iPad and iPhone
The first interactive digital book on Shodo, the way of calligraphy, with pictures and video lessons of Nagayama Norio Sensei.
More than 100 photos, illustrations and haiku; 70 videos-exercises in kanji, kaisho, the seals, the rules spelling of the kanji, the sayings of the Masters.
A manual to understand and learn the Japanese writing.
"This new form of interactive books allows to overcome the major limitation of traditional books: the lack of a direct relationship with the teacher, to observe the rhythm and learn intuition and gesture.
This book is an introduction to the practice of calligraphy as a way of life, but can also serve those who are interested in writing our language and understand the technique of our art. "
Nagayama Norio Sensei