Jean-Claude Casubolo
Digital Index Publisher, Modena, 2023
ISBN 9788899283186
Version papier, 316 pages: isbn couv. souple 9798390107485; couv. rigid 9798391757283.
A voyage, through six decades, of a suburbanite passionate about painting, rock'n'roll, how to live, how to live, how to think, how to determine.
He is souvient of his childhood, of his family, of his records, of his dessins, of his guitars.
Jean Claude Casubolo did the recit of his ways in the form of roller coasters, at the heights of the lake the attempt against three winds and seas of looking at the feet of the land.
The recitation is emailed in sequences here to read the heart of the beautiful arts of Paris, in the daring adventures of GOing to Club Med at one time, and through the exciting and thrilling adventures of the sun and the joys of the mountains from the streets…
He became an artist, at 55 years old the redevient Pope and wrote this book for his 6 year old girl, in the event that the life in him will accorderat the times of his life will tell you…
LAISSEZ MOI Ré Mi Do c'est l'histoire d'un mec de 60 ans qui vit dans la Drôme. The large aux 4000 de la Courneuve ahead of facing the road with its joys and its peines. In this book the story is childhood, it's adolescence and it's an adult life... I'm embarrassed by the adventure of writing this story, I don't know how to be perverse about writing. Oui, les mots peuvent also transmettre des émotions.
It's so moving and makes you feel so happy about the coucher on a blank page, all these souvenirs that I remember in my heart once in a while and I've always remembered them in the past, more often than not in petits bouts suivant the context, the moment and the person here (or moments of action).
The writing allows you the freedom to recite without interruption, to create a synthesizer constructed, entière and argumentée as you have never done before.
To the extent that I remplissais ces pages, I disais: putain il était peut-être temps que je fasse une purge de mon cereveau encombré par toutes ces histoires... Effectively, depuis, j'ai le sentiment d'être lighter comme quand on sauvegarde son disque dur sur un disque externe de 4 To. It's good for me.
Table of materials
- Avant propos
- Preface Vivi
- Preface Antoine
- Sunday
- The Courneuve
- The campaign
- Mr. Jacques
- The school
- Lolo
- My lying son
- And what about God in everything?
- Me and my communion
- Marseille
- My cousin Gianjiak
- Tunis
- Papa-Maman
- The usine
- Saint Ouen
- Nono and boxing
- Sicily
- The fleas-1
- Pierre Bellemarre
- Casubolo, before you are super null...
- Bubu
- The School of Fine Arts
- Are you moving?
- The ClubMed
- Cubuc
- The fleas-2
- Little Madonna
- Etienne
- Enzo, my dog
- Clermont-Ferrand
- Limoges
- The campaign-2
- Rock
- Manon
- Divorce on the Presqu'ile
- Gassin
- Let's go on the braveheart
- Alone
- Paris!
- Dofri
- Situation complicated with my psy
- Picciotti, in old age I played
- Sophie
- Epilogue